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The Different Flours To Make Your Pizza Dough

To concoct your pizza dough, you immediately think of wheat flour. However, there are many others, which allow you to make tasty homemade pizzas. Rye, corn, rice or even quinoa, discover 10 flours to vary the pleasures.

The different flours to make your pizza dough

Have you put on your apron, ready to dip your hands in flour to knead your pizza dough? But have you thought about which one you want to use? Wheat flour is the most classic, we all have it in the kitchen cupboard. There are however a dozen of them that allow you to make a pizza in a more original but just as delicious way.

Durum wheat flour

Widely used in Italy, this flour has a high gluten content, and it is therefore well suited to baking: ideal for pizza dough! So much so that it is often found on the market under the name “special pizza flour”. We cannot be clearer.

Corn flour

Used at home rather for pastry, it is the delight of New York pizza makers. In the big apple, pizzas are indeed often prepared with corn flour. With or without gluten, it contains magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It gives a nice yellow color and a nutty flavor to the dough. Please note, corn flour is used in addition to T55 wheat flour, up to a maximum of 20% of the weight of the flour. Not to be confused with cornstarch, which is corn starch.

Rice flour

Gluten-free, it gives the dough a softness. Light and with a discreet taste, rice flour can be used in addition to wheat flour (30% maximum of the total weight).

Rye flour

Poor in gluten, but rich in fiber, iron and vitamin B, rye produces flour known for its dietetic properties. This fragile flour can be stored in a cool, dry place. It brings a special flavor to your pizza dough. You can even cut it with wheat flour.

Quinoa flour

Original but a little bitter, quinoa flour is used sparingly: 20 to 30% as a replacement for classic flour. On the other hand, it is gluten-free.

Pizza dough

Buckwheat flour

Also called “buckwheat flour”, this flour known for crests and pancakes brings a little nutty taste to a pizza dough. Gluten free, it is rich in fiber, protein and antioxidants. You can cut it with wheat flour.

Spelled flour

Very trendy in bakery, this flour is a good alternative to classic wheat. It brings a light nutty flavor to the dough. Spelled flour is a source of protein but also of magnesium, zinc, copper and iron. Note that there are two varieties: small spelled (also called engrain), low in gluten, and large spelled.

Chestnut flour

This original flour is used in addition to a traditional flour. Gluten-free, it brings a special flavor to a pizza dough.

Soy flour

With its pretty pale yellow color and nutty scent, soy flour is rich in protein, amino acids, magnesium and iron. Gluten-free, low in carbohydrates, it contains lecithin, which avoids the use of eggs.

Khorasan flour

Also called kamut, khorasan is an ancient variety of wheat. With a well tolerated gluten, it is rich in protein, magnesium and selenium. It brings a mild and sweet flavor to a pizza dough. Be sure to use a flour that is neither bleached nor refined.

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